Can’t Sleep at Night? Use Feng Shui Cures.
What’s in your bedroom?
Your bedroom should be a place of peace and quiet; a place where you can go at the end of the day and unwind….
Your bedroom should not be a place to eat, watch TV, scroll on your phone, or read.
When you are laying in your bed, do you see clutter in your room?
Is there a mirror facing your bed?
Is there “stuff” on top and inside your night stand that does not belong in the bedroom?
Make sure that bedroom is a place of relaxation.
Don’t store things under the bed.
Eliminate sources of EMF stimulation cellphones and televisions. The only electronic device should be a white noise sound machine.
Light disturbs sleep patterns, so I suggest blackout curtains and other methods to block light while you sleep.
For more help related to your situation, contact me right now to inquire about a Feng Shui Space Clearing or a Virtual Feng Shui Consultation.
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