Corner Lot Feng Shui and Cures
Just as nobody puts Baby in a corner, nobody puts Feng Shui in a corner (lot home, that is).
Though it is best not to get yourself in a corner lot house situation, I do offer cures to make the most of your situation if you already live in a corner lot home.
Basic Feng Shui Advice
Simply: Great for businesses, bad for homes.
As I noted about cul-de-sac homes and T-intersection properties previously, my first advice to someone considering a corner lot home is to stay away.
As with cul-de-sac homes, home builders were once able to charge a premium for corner lots. In areas with more buyers knowledgable of Feng Shui, however, they now often find that corner lot homes are the last to go.
Moreover, you might notice that a common theme for foreclosure listings are homes on a corner lot, cul-de-sac or at a T-intersection.
With much in Feng Shui, including corner lots, the issues are really just common sense rather than just energy flow.
Pros & Cons
Not that corner lots are completely bad. Let’s look at the pros and cons of a corner lot.
- More yard space
- Half as many neighbors
- Corner lot businesses are easier to find
- Highly visible decorations or signage
- Emergency services may respond faster
- More sidewalk or fencing to maintain
- Noisier traffic & pedestrians
- More headlights point at windows
- Pedestrians taking shortcuts through yard
- Cars turn around in your driveway
- Yard more likely to be used by dogs
- Exposure to car crashes
In addition to the above, Feng Shui suggests that corner lots offer the following disadvantages:
- Energy gets stuck coming around corners
- Energy erodes at the property, causing long-term health and financial issues
- Poison arrow created by diagonally opposite property
- Poison arrows from the car headlights pointing at the home
Feng Shui Cures
What if you already live in a corner lot home?
Resolving the Feng Shui issues is very similar with the resolutions offered for a cul-de-sac home. You will want to ensure that the Feng Shui energy called Chi (or “Qi”) doesn’t get stuck and that you slowly navigate it to your home’s front door.
Start by slowing the crossing energy coming at your home. Utilize landscaping like tall shrubs, walls, fences or even sturdy posts near your front curb (this also helps prevent unsuspecting car drivers from ending up in your living room).
Now, add some water and wind features between your curbside landscaping and the doorway. Try utilizing a pond, pool, water fountain or birdbath. Any calm flowing water feature will do. You could also add windmills or other moving garden elements. Adding elements such as these helps slow down and refresh your incoming Chi.
Next, create a pathway that winds from the curb to your front door such that it navigates its way through the landscaping effects at the curb and through your garden features to your front door.
Make sure that the lighting at your front door is uplifting and bright.
As I suggest as a quick cure with T-intersection homes, use a convex Bagua mirror at your doorway to bounce away the effects of those poison arrows pointing at your home. It doesn’t need to be visible from outside.
Next Steps
You deserve to live a life of abundant wealth and health. Make sure that your home is providing for you.
Remember that the Feng Shui of corner lot homes can be very problematic.
Don’t ignore them!
If these cures don’t work for you, there may be other Feng Shui factors involved with the interior of your particular house. Take necessary steps because you deserve to live a life of harmony and balance. Start by reviewing the Feng Shui Bagua of your home.
If you run into any problems along the way or are looking for some professional guidance, contact me. I pride myself in adding harmony and balance while not making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded in your home. You can get a consultation in-person or virtually via video chat.
I am a 3rd generation Feng Shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices the Feng Shui way. As your consultant, you will be able to get one-on-one advice for how to attract positive energy and improve your life with Feng Shui. I offer in-home and virtual services. Contact me today!
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Thank you for your information on corner lots
Hi I’ve just moved into a rental property and I’m on a corner lot and the side of my house is in a cul de sac. I live in a very quiet street with a vacant lot opposite me. What can I do to fix this problem. Thank you in advance. Toni Harrison.
I would plant or place pots of colorful flowers along your property, hang wind chimes on both sides of your home, where it faces the corner and where it faces the vacant lot and cul de sac.
I’m considering building at a corner lot and I also own another lot next to the corner lot. Is it better to build at the lot right on the corner or the one behind it? Also, the corner lot entry faces West with large trees along the West edge of the lot. Corner lot address is 720 and the one behind it is 750. The ocean is approximately 1.5 miles down the hill from the property.
Without having seen the whole property all I can say is that if you have the option to build away from the corner lot then I would. Let me know if you would like to do a consultation to see where to build and to review all your plans with Feng Shui in mind.
We are about to start renting a corner lot. The intersecting street leads to a cul de sac which the rear of the lot touches. Is there anything we can do? Or should we avoid moving to this house?
There are remedies to make it somewhat better, but I would recommend avoiding this property if you have other choices.
Hi – we just moved into a corner lot home that faces east and sits higher than the road. It is a quiet street. Any recommendations for the SE corner for landscaping? We have a lot of trees right now along the property. Thanks!
I would suggest fruiting trees, but avoid peach or fig trees.
Been searching for awhile and finally found a lovely home considering to purchase. House facing South and great bagua with all family members.
Concern – It is also facing a corner unit right across the street where the edge of the house is facing directly to my front.
Should I avoid this purchase and continue searching?
There are ways to remedy this situation but the location of your home and the placement of other buildings around your potential home cannot be changed, so the Feng Shui remedies will be limited. If you would like to do a Real Estate Feng Shui review of the home before making an offer, please let me know.
How to determine if corner facing front of the house? Only applies if facing directly towards the main door or as long as facing the entire front of the house?
In my case, corner faces directly against the window beside the main door.
As the surrounding buildings cannot be changed and if feng shui remedies are limited in this situation, sounds the wiser choice is to look for different house.
Hello again, Keane! I’ll be blunt with you… I’d avoid a corner lot home if you are still looking at properties to buy. A corner lot home just has a ton of overwhelming energy directed at it, whether directly at the front door or not. You’ll have a poison arrow pointed towards your home from the opposite corner lot and the traffic at the corner can be very disruptive to sleep and overall wellness.
That is what I thought too as well and good that you advised the same.
Thank you very much
You’re welcome, Keane! Take care!
Does adding spiky plants like agave americana in front of the corner building situated on corner plot helps?
I would start with stronger hardscaping, such as rock walls or stone pedestals. You can certainly use spiky plants to decorate around those harder elements.
Y home is sort of on a point in the road. Feel like it sticks out and is vulnerable. What suggestions do you have for me? Additionally I have 7 very tall pine trees in the back.
Hi, Melenna! To clarify, do you mean that your home is on a Y-intersection? Or is it just that your home sticks out in the street? If you are feeling vulnerable, you should put up a brick fence, big boulders, or at least hedges around your property to block the street energy from hitting your home directly. Whatever makes that feeling go away is sufficient.
Having the seven tall pines in the back of the house is good for protecting your back. You wouldn’t want tall pine trees in front of the house, however, because they would block too much of the positive energy coming to your home. I hope this helps!
Hello, I live in a corner lot on the inside edge of 2 cul-de-sacs therefore I don’t have a directly opposing neighbour or cars shining their lights directly. Do you have any advice on this type of property?
This is a tricky one without being able to see the layout of the streets and traffic. If your house does stick out like a peninsula in any way, you may need something like fencing to help with the energy. Contact me so we can get into more details about your particular situation with a quick consultation.
I am buying an east facing home on a corner lot. It is a four way intersection that hits the house from the northeast. Is this considered good fung shut? Thanks
Hi, Scott! While that sounds like a great location for a retail business, a home on a four-way intersection might have overwhelming energy. I would not consider this to be good feng shui. Good luck!
Our home located on a corner lot with front of home facing a cul – de – sac blade points toward away from our home at 10’clock direction. The cul – de – sac is a field with some kind of water reservoir on it. Is that good or bad for our home? Please advise on how to fix it if it’s a problem. Thanks in advance.
Hi, Tammy! Unfortunately, I can’t really follow your written description. With such a specific situation, however, a virtual consultation may be the best option to help you.
Hi Jessie!
I have been renting a house in a corner lot for 7 months already. The place is quite because it’s inside an exclusive subdivision. One of the things I noticed is the sudden drop in sales of my businesses. I’m not sure if the house I moved into had anything to do with it. I’m thinking of moving house again. Please advise me what to do. Thank you.
Hi Sandy! While I’d love to say that the corner lot home is the specific cause for your business downturn, I just can’t say for sure. There are a few different factors that could be the cause here. A personalized consultation may be the the best next step so that we can figure it out together.
Hi! We have been living on our corner home that faces southeast for 20 years now. We always have financial issues, bad luck, and health issues. We placed a wooden windchime at our front door and a metal windchime at the side door that faces southwest cul-de-sac. We have bushes and trees all around. What else can we do to fix our financial and health issues?
Hi, Libby! I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been experiencing financial and health issues. We need to fix those ASAP. You likely have fast-moving energy in front of your house that we need to slow down in order to mitigate the sweeping energy of your corner lot. Your front wind chime should actually be a metal 6-rod wind chime that faces the street. Do you also have a convex bagua mirror at the top of your front door to push the energy away from you? With the bushes in front of your house, can your home still be clearly seen from the street? These are very specific issues to your home, so please contact me rather than reply to this comment. I look forward to hearing from you.
I’m on central time zone what time works for you?
Hi, Libby! I only get on here to respond to comments every week or two. The best way to reach me is by submitting an inquiry on my contact page. We can trade emails from there to coordinate a consultation.
Hi Jessie! Our Corner home faces south, side door faces west to Cal-de-sac. East living room window faces neighbors broken wooden fence which is on the side of their home they never use or clean up. We always keep that window shade closed and planted hosts below that window and added a wood windchime east, a bird bath to the north. I feel stuck, drained, an increase in health issues and a bit of everything else. This feeling is awful and so not me. What can I change or add?
Hi, Jean! Rather than a windchime between your window and the neighbor, a bagua mirror would be better to place there. Be sure to read up on one of my cul-de-sac pages for more on that. I’m available for a consultation as the next step to helping you get your life back. Good luck!
Hi..we are planning g to but a house which is in the corner. One side is a south road and other Is a west road.
Do you think It’s good or bad according to fengshui?
Hi Richa and thank you for reaching out! A house on a corner is an issue no matter the direction for the reasons I’ve outlined in this blog post. I generally advise against buying or building a home on a corner lot if it is avoidable. On a side note, I have another blog post that discusses the differences between the Compass Feng Shui school and Bagua Feng Shui, which is what I practice. If you want more advice on how to improve your life through Feng Shui and decide that Bagua Feng Shui is the way to go for you, be sure to reach out to me for a consultation. Best of luck!