The Importance of House Numbers in Feng Shui
In feng shui, the numbers in your home address (like 12345 Main St) can greatly impact on the energy of your space and well-being. By choosing the right house and/or apartment address number, you can enhance the energy of your home to bring about positive change in your life.
First, let’s understand the two different ways feng shui views and calculates address numbers:
- The simplest method is to simply look at the numbers of the address individually. This is often used with repeated numbers like 444 or 888.
- The calculation most commonly used for multi-digit, random-looking numbers is to keep adding up the digits until you end up with a single-digit number. For example, with 12345 Main St, you would first add up the individual digits as 1+2+3+4+5 = 15. Because the result is not yet a single-digit number, you would add up the resulting digits as 1+5 = 6. Your resulting number of 6 is the home’s feng shui number.
Different numbers have different meanings and associations. It’s important to have an address number that aligns with your goals. Here are some of the most common number meanings in feng shui:
- Unity, independence, and new beginnings
- Balance, harmony, and partnership
- Creativity, growth, and expansion
- Stability, security, and grounding (but, keep reading below)
- Change, adaptability, and adventure
- Love, family, and domestic harmony
- Spirituality, introspection, and inner wisdom
- Wealth, prosperity, and abundance
- Completion, fulfillment, and attainment
In particular, feng shui considers certain numbers to be lucky or unlucky in feng shui. For example, Chinese culture considers the number 8 to be lucky. Some claim that 8 resembles the infinite symbol (∞) turned sideways. Therefore, people associate it with financial prosperity. Similarly, people sometimes consider the number 9 to be lucky, as it is associated with fulfillment. Some people will only choose a 9 address upon retirement, however.
On the other hand, feng shui considers the number 4 to be an unlucky number. That’s because it is associated with death and bad luck. In many Asian cultures, buildings and floors that contain the number 4 are often skipped or avoided altogether. Many western buildings like hotels do the same with the 13th floor.
When I work with home builders, we can pre-select good address numbers. But, how about when you are already living in a home that doesn’t add up to an auspicious number?
One cure I provide during home consultations is to write an additional number, but have it hidden in some way. For instance, suppose your address was 229 Broadway (2+3+9=14 and 1+4=5), which adds up to 5.
If you wanted to change this to an 8, you would need to add 3. One option is to draw a 3 in the same colored paint as your wall right next to the existing 229. Alternatively, draw a 3 just next to your numbers and cover it with a wall tile. Either way, the extra number you added would be invisible to anyone just looking at your home.
Next Steps
When it comes to applying feng shui principles to your address, paying attention to numbers can be a helpful way to create a more harmonious and balanced environment. By using numbers that have positive associations and avoiding those that have negative associations, you can help to enhance the flow of energy in your space and promote greater well-being and success. But house numbers are only a small part of feng shui.
If you need more specific and custom guidance to improve your space and your life, I’m available to help. Learn more on my website today and book a virtual consultation. Better feng shui can help you in profound ways on life’s journey.
I am a 3rd generation feng shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.
I can help you attract the life that you deserve with feng shui. Contact me today!
Hi my name is Beata .
I would like to ask a question about correcting our house number right now I’m at number 7 I’d like it to be number 8 .
How do I correct it ?
Can I use a number 1 sticker the inside of my door ?
Thank you very much .
Hi Beata! The answer to your question is in this blog post. Just scroll up to the section called “Cures”. Good luck!
Hi thank you for sharing. I am confused some say use apt number 30A would be 4 energy and some say use apt number and street address which is 3201 & 30A totaling 1 energy. Do you use zip code too? Right now im using 30A 4 and added a secret 4 for 8 energy i wish to embrace at this time. Let me know what you think. Namaste
Hi KK! All of these numbers can get really confusing, can’t they? When I am looking at options for my clients who are looking at homes, I like to take a more comprehensive view of the homes on their list. I look at the area, what’s around the home (schools, churches, cemeteries, etc.), location on the street (cul-de-sac, T-intersection, etc.), street name, home address (your 3201), and apartment number (your 30A) before I even look at the layout of the home. I like to make sure that we check the box for good Feng Shui for as many of those items as possible. When it comes to numerology, the rules I gave in this blog post are very general in nature but I usually lean toward numbers that are better suited to my clients and their careers. Your particular street number, 3201, adds up to 6, which is a pretty good number overall. Adding an invisible 4 to your apartment number makes it an 8, which is definitely the right move. I wouldn’t worry about the zip code as much since it isn’t printed anywhere on your building or unit. Be sure to reach out for a consultation if you want a more comprehensive review of your home.
Very confusing indeed. But had someone tell me i have 3 energy because of all the threes backed up by a 6. 3201 Apt 30a so glad to hear back from you and appreciate your wisdom. I indeed put a four with white out under the Sun emblem on my door for increased financial flow and nine shiny pennies under my front and back door mat this winter solstice. I would like to find an infinity symbol to hang over the new french doors management put in ushering in the 8 energy. I am glad we can change the energy depending on circumstances and there are people like you to help.
Also life light helicopters from a hospital about 1/2 mile from my house constantly flying over my house. It is very comforting to me personally knowing they are so close and rescuing others but is it good or bad feng shui? Also occasionally Hear a train way off in the distance on the other side which is comforting too due to childhood memories. I dont think its close enough to affect my energy. I live in a town of about 250,000 in north florida. Sunshine
to you.
I’m glad I could help, KK! The presence of the hospital helicopters, while comforting, might introduce a bit of disruptive energy in feng shui terms due to the noise and movement. However, this can be balanced with some adjustments. I suggest hanging a wind chime in the direction from where the helicopters come. Wind chimes are known to harmonize and disperse harsh energies, turning them into positive vibrations. The train in the distance shouldn’t be a big deal as you’ve mentioned; it seems to bring you comfort rather than disturbance. Enjoy the sunshine and the peace of your home!
Previously dad stayed in a unit 04-04. Many Chinese refused to buy the flat when we were selling stating thay 4 means “die” and 04-04 means “die die”. How do we know when to calculate the numbers together? Eg: should 04-04 be seen separately(4 and 4 which is unlucky) or added together? (4+4=8, which is a lucky number).
Greetings, Faz! Thank you for reaching out. Individual interpretation is very relevant here. In areas like Singapore that are particularly sensitive to the number 4, residents there might be more likely to interpret 04-04 as “die die” rather than an 8 for your dad’s flat. While it might be difficult to convince someone who is “dead-set” against the number 4, Feng Shui aims for holistic balance. House numbers are just one aspect of the home’s overall Feng Shui. I would suggest making sure every other area of the property has great Feng Shui to make up for the address number. Best of luck!