Feng Shui Defense: Convex Mirror Secrets
Convex Bagua mirrors are a tool often used in Feng Shui to deflect negative energy. By deflecting negative energy, they may help prevent accidents, protect against theft, and calm overwhelming feelings.

What Are Convex Mirrors?
Convex Bagua mirrors are specifically shaped like an octagon. Each side and the center of the octagon represents one of the nine areas of the Bagua. These areas each represent a different aspect of life, including wealth, career, relationships, and health.
When to Use Convex Mirrors
When I work with home builders, I advise them on creating housing developments that are most auspicious for future residents. We’ll work together to avoid or minimize homes located at T-intersections, the end of a cul-de-sac, corner lots, and poison arrows.
If you already live in a home with any of these situations, however, there are often remedies. When I consult with homeowners, we’ll identify areas of concern and I will advise specific cures. Some of these remedies may include a convex Bagua mirror.
How to Use Convex Mirrors
There are several ways to use convex Bagua mirrors in Feng Shui. One common placement is to hang the mirror just above the front door, facing outward. This is believed to deflect negative energy and protect the home from negative influences. If you have poison arrows facing toward your window, you may hang the mirror above the window. Again, face the mirror outward to deflect negative energy from the outside. Whether with a door or window, the mirror could be inside or outside of the wall. Just make sure the reflective part of the mirror is facing outwards towards the negative energy.

Please ONLY use convex Bagua mirrors for protection and NEVER use them to intentionally harm or bring negativity to others. Use them with caution, as they can be very powerful and can even reflect or amplify negative energy back at you if used incorrectly.
What Convex Mirror Should I Get?
There are several out there but I suggest getting one like this that has a Bagua’s octagonal shape with a circular convex mirror in the middle.
How About Concave Mirrors?
Well, concave mirrors are a whole other subject. They deserved their own blog post.
Next Steps
If you’re interested in using convex Bagua mirrors for Feng Shui in your home or business, it’s important to consult with a Feng Shui expert to determine the best placement for maximum protection. When you use and place them appropriately, convex Bagua mirrors can provide you with powerful protection by bringing positive energy to your space.
If you need more specific and custom guidance to improve your space and your life, I’m available to help. Learn more on my website today and book a virtual consultation. Better Feng Shui can help you in profound ways on life’s journey.
I am a 3rd generation Feng Shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.
I can help you attract the life that you deserve with Feng Shui. Contact me today
Hello, I have a Vape store and I am planning to put convex mirror outside for Feng Shui. I am wondering where to put it. I would appreciate any help, thank you
Greetings, Thomas! Why are you looking to add a convex mirror outside of your business? Is there energy you’re trying to push away like that from a poison arrow? I ask because you also risk pushing away customers with a convex mirror. Feel free to reach out for a consultation for this and other advice for your business.
Hello, I just bought a convex Bagua mirror to put at my home entrance, want to use it to make sure all the evil eye and evil energy is pushed away, is it ok?
Hello, Taren! The convex bagua mirror is best used to deflect away negative energy coming from things like a poison arrow, cul-de-sac or T-intersection being pointed at your front door. If you don’t have any such negative energy, the mirror will be of no benefit. Best of luck!
Hello, I recently purchased a bagua mirror. I thought it was a flat bagua mirror but it turns out to be a convex mirror.
I live on a cul de sac and also have a very large electrical tower corner facing directly to my home. Will placing the convex mirror above my front door be okay?
Greetings, Manny! That’s a lot of energy headed your way! Fortunately, you’re in luck that the convex bagua mirror is exactly the cure to use. Assuming your front door is facing the cul-de-sac and the electrical tower, above the door would be the best location to place that mirror. It can be either inside or outside of your door as long as the mirror is facing outwards. If the front door is on the corner of the house, however, you should place the mirror on the wall facing the cul-de-sac. Learn more about cul-de-sac cures here. Good luck!
hello, my house is next to a mosque, can I install a bagua convex mirror, my house faces north and south while the mosque is to the east of the house, which position is the right position to install a bagua convex mirror?
Greetings, Yosep! Living next to a religious center can certainly add overwhelming energy. Rather than a convex bagua mirror, I think that a six-rod wind chime hanging between your home and the mosque would be your best option to diffuse that energy. Good luck!
I have issues with a neighbour to the side of our house who is making a lot of noise. in this case is it best to place a convex mirror on the side of our house towards the neighbours? Thank you
Would you also recommend one above the front door? thanks
Hi, Sarah! Rather than a bagua mirror, I recommend using a 6-rod wind chime between your house and the noisy neighbor’s house. You won’t need anything above your door unless you have negative energy coming towards you from that direction, too. Good luck!
Hello! I’ve been having not that great luck since moving in with my partner in their condo. I want to help ward off negative energy and spirits from coming in, but live in a condo community where across the yard I have other condo units facing my front door. Is a convex mirror needed in this situation?
Hi, Ellie! I’m sorry to hear about your streak of bad luck but congratulations on moving in with your partner. We just need to get your feng shui in order to bring that good luck back for you. It’s tempting to put a convex mirror but it might actually attract negative attention with all of the people likely walking by. Instead, I’d recommend a six-rod metal wind chime to hang in front of your door to attract some positive energy. I also recommend reviewing your general feng shui in the condo. If you need additional help, reach out to me for a virtual consultation. Best of luck!
Hi again, Ellie! You get to be the first to read my newest blog post that I just created for you on wind chimes. All the best!
Hi Ellie,
My house is south west facing and my washroom/toilet is also in south west direction. I heard this setup brings illness. Can I hang bagua convex mirror? Is there any other remedy?
Hello, Gargi! You might be referring to a branch of Feng Shui called Compass Feng Shui. I practice Bagua Feng Shui, which I feel is much easier to adhere to. Learn about the differences on my Compass vs Bagua post. If, after reading that post, Bagua Feng Shui makes more sense for you and if health is your concern, you should also read up on the Health Area of the Bagua. There may be something else causing health issues but I wouldn’t be able to determine that without a Feng Shui Consultation.
I have my house entrance facing south east. I believe thats could be festering negative energies. Please suggest what needs to be done
Hello, Pran! You might be referring to a branch of Feng Shui called Compass Feng Shui. I practice Bagua Feng Shui, which I feel is much easier to adhere to. Learn about the differences on my Compass vs Bagua post. If Bagua Feng Shui makes more sense for you after reading that post, then reach out to me for a comprehensive Feng Shui consultation.
Hi Jessie, l hv a Zhi Wei bagua with convex mirror which was already blessed at a Guan Yin temple and plan to hang it above my front door to improve family harmony. Main door facing West so l hope with Zhi Wei bagua mirror can help lessen the impact from the West direction. Your expertise advise much appreciated. Thank you
Hi, Melissa! By speaking about the west direction, you might be referring to a branch of Feng Shui called Compass Feng Shui. I practice Bagua Feng Shui, which I feel is much easier to adhere to. Learn about the differences on my Compass vs Bagua post. I’m also not sure what you’re trying to avoid from the west direction that you feel you need a convex mirror. If Bagua Feng Shui makes more sense for you after reading that post, then reach out to me for a comprehensive Feng Shui consultation. Semoga berjaya!
I have three windows facing a busy street (live in an apartment ground floor). My door is inside the apartment but building. Should I place a convex mirror towards the street from my window. Is one enough or does every window needs a mirror. What should I be carefull when placing the mirror.?
very intresting article 
Thank you for your feedback, Celina! For your situation, place a convex bagua mirror just above one window facing out from the inside, ensuring it’s not visible from the street. This should be sufficient. Be careful not to place the mirror directly in line with your apartment door to avoid reflecting positive energy away. Good luck!
Hello Jessie, thank you for sharing this information. I have a bathroom in my Wealth corner, I read that I have to put a mirror in the potty area (it has its own door) to cure this problem. Please tell me if this is correct.
Greetings, Ruth! The Wealth Corner is not the best place to have a bathroom, but there are cures and I’m glad it has a door. Rather than a mirror, I would suggest you hang a crystal above your potty to scatter energy instead of letting it go down the drain. I also suggest decorating the bathroom in the theme of the Wealth Corner to keep positive energy here. Good luck!
Hello Jessie,
I just opened a photocopy shop for a week, but in front of the rolling door there is an electric pole slightly to the left of the center front of the shop, I plan to buy a convex mirror, which is better, 6 or 8 inches, the width of the rolling door is 260 cm
Hi Andri! Congrats on the new shop! The size of the convex mirror really doesn’t matter much. Just make sure it is above your door. Good luck!
Hi, I live in a 3 story townhouse. We unfortunately are in a junction we are a little bit off to the side but still halfway at the t junction. On the first level is our front door as you enter has a small square entry way less that 12 feet leading straight to the upstairs 2 md floor which leads to living room dining and kitchen. The energy feels stale and stagnant. So far I only have a red doormat outside the front door anmd yellow wreath. Any suggestions?
Hi Crystal! Great start with the red doormat and yellow wreath! For the T-junction, hang a wind chime between your front door and the T-junction to slow the rushing chi. Inside the entryway, hang a crystal or action artwork (like water or animals moving inward) to lift and direct energy upstairs. While you’re at it, take a look at my post on T-Intersections to learn more tips. Let me know how it goes!